Monday, 16 June 2014


What is copyright 
A Legal concept that grants the creator of an original work exclusive rights to use and distribution 

When does copyright come into action 
It comes into action automatically when a piece of work that qualifies for protection is created 

What does copyright protect 
Original literary works, Musical works, Dramatic works, Sound recordings, Film recordings, Broadcasts 

Who owns copyright 
The person who created it or if this person is an employee the employer or company owns the copyright. 

What is joint ownership of copyright 
One or more persons involved with the creation of the work therefore they share the copyright. 

What rights does a copyright owner have 
Both economic and moral rights 

How long does copyright last? 
70 years after authors death for most then 25 years for typographical arrangements. 

What is copyright infringement 
Copy it, issues copies to the public, lend to the publics, perform or show to public, communicate to the public 

What are Remedies for copyright infringements  
An injunction, damages for loss, account or infringers profit or and order to seize. 

Are there any copyright exceptions? 
There are specified copyright exceptions, these include schools  and universities for educational use of works. 

How does someone obtain clearance to use copyright material 
Contact copyright owner to grant permission. 

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